Once you’ve got a bot registered with Skype, put your app id and secret in .env, register your hyperdev app as the Message Webhook, and then Skype will pass any events along to you. This sample implementation just replies to whoever sent each message in turn. It should also be easy to add further functionality; the Skype bot API is still pretty basic.
Yup! It does go to sleep after a little bit of inactivity, but it wakes up response to requests. So, the first ping can take a few seconds to get a response.
Very cool! I used it as the starting point for a Slack echo /command bot at https://hyperdev.com/#!/project/speckle-foe . First time using nodejs, and I spend almost an hour trying various npm packages for Slack before just skipping them and writing a handler directly. Might try creating a full Slack Bot in HyperDev this weekend if I find time.
Hi guys! Microsoft have now officially deprecated the Skype API that’s used in this project. So, it might be worth removing it from the gallery. The only real point was to be a quick example of how to authenticate against the API, which is what I had the most trouble with.