Abuse of the platform

Hello there! I saw some people making this discord bot called project uptimer so basically what it does is ping your project every 5 mins with your IP address and makes the project not go to sleep so I wanted to report them and didn’t know where to go.

You could email try emailing Glitch support at support@glitch.com.


Alrighty [10 Chars]

or submit an abuse report on the project page

What if the project is private?

Then you can’t report the project. Glitch should probably fix something like this. A good idea would be if the project was not boosted people could report it, if they saw the project for themselves first.

Short version:
Nobody else can see the project then except for the moderators and the visitors. Then the visitors report the project.

Email is always your best bet.


Not really sure this is a good idea. So now only boosted people can report projects? Seems a bit silly to me.

clarify: if the project is not boosted visitors could report it

We really need a custom header…

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Go vote ! :slight_smile:

I’m going to bump it.

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