Accidentally created an infinite loop

I was testing out the nodejs server because I don’t know much about it, so I was making a request counter using the async nature of nodejs filesystem and I accidentally created an infinite loop (by copying&pasting previous code), everytime I try to go into the project files it crashes my Google Chrome. What should I do?

Hi Awarewolf,

accessing the editor without opening the app itself should allow you to remove the infinite loop. If this does not work, let us know :slight_smile:

sorry, I just saw the screenshot. If you allow us, we can remove the code that breaks the editor manually.

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Have fun, thanks for fast response.

I commented out the code that starts the application. Now you should be able to remove the infinite loop and go on from there.

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Thank you, for fast response and fixing my problem.

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If you add a watch.json file to your project, you can ignore the file.

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Thanks for the tip! I will keep it in mind for sure.

Hi there, I’ve run into a similar problem. A Slackbot I’m building with Botkit is stuck in a loop and I can’t seem to kill it. I’ve been advised that I should be able to kill the process where I’ve hosted the bot (Glitch) to end the conversation, but I don’t know how to do that (first time Glitch / Botkitter here!).

Is anyone able to help a newbie out? Thanks so much.

Hi Amanda,

sure! Can you give us the project name?

Same infinite loop problem here. How do I fix?