Applying our domain name with FLY.IO... or anything else?

I’ve had some hiccups working with to apply a simple GoDaddy domain to my Girls Who Code club’s Glitch project and the Fly.Io support line hasn’t been getting back to me this week… and tomorrow is their launch… :sweat:

Is there anyone else I could quickly use? I’ve been trying so hard with them because I got the impression that was the only service that could do the job via the FAQ

If not, he’s just some screenshots of the current situation.

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I’d check the url you’ve given In the action field in the screenshot it lists ‘’, which isn’t a valid url. If they’re adding for you, enter the project name.

Right, I checked that too. Still getting a “HTTP ERROR 502” on their preview site.

Omit the https too, so it’s just

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that did it, thanks! :ok_hand::+1: