Best Method to Contact Members - card-table

Hello, I’m looking into a remix of the card-table project. Are you actively working this project? Would be willing to contribute if you need help. I’m seeking guidance on converting this to a Reactjs component based solution.

New to glitch – sorry if this seems unusual.

Take a look at my profile for general information and my goals.

If anyone in support role knows a better method to reach out to original devs this is my attempt to start a dialog – read the FAQ but didn’t find any ref’s to messaging teams. If the member never uses this forum they won’t be notified if tagged? They don’t show up in the user directory for a Message, they might have this squelched in their profile.



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just a little tip: if the user hasn’t disabled it- then they will recieve an email alert on when they were mentioned

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Is this the user you’re trying to get in touch with? If so, I found their GitHub profile under the same username, which lists an email address and a personal website.


Thanks, yes, that’s the user. I’ll reach out to them on GitHub.

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