Hey folks, we’ve been handling a fair bit of excess traffic over the last week or so. We’ve largely been able to keep the impact on the platform to a minimum and are working on longer-term changes, but right now we’re going to start blocking requests from some IP ranges associated with this sort of traffic as a partial solution / experiment.
It’s likely that some valid traffic will be caught up in this block - we apologize for the bother and hope it will be minimal; please let us know at support@glitch.com if you’re being negatively impacted.
My general expectation is that implementing anything is rarely simpler than an off-the-shelf solution, though i agree overall that this is a less-than-ideal response.
We do have a number of hopefully-less-invasive alternatives we’ve been planning to explore but those and any other changes we might consider take time and effort that we don’t have the bandwidth for right now.
Just an update here-- to continue working to protect the platform from an influx of unwanted traffic, we’re in the process of rolling out some networking changes that we normally would have scheduled in advance if we were making them on our own terms.
It is possible that those changes will interrupt the availability of your projects and so we’ve updated our Status Page to reflect that. Please know that we’re working hard to keep things running as smoothly as possible throughout these changes.
Another update. The lion’s share of the work is complete, but a few tasks still remain for custom domains. Those are high-priority when the team comes back online.
We have made some networking changes, and projects are running as expected. A remaining side effect is that original Glitch custom domains are not routing to projects, including glitch.new functionality. We hope to restore that functionality in the next few days.
I wish that in the future custom domains were as easy as the original ones were to add. The new ones are a hassle to implement and don’t even support Cloudflare proxying while the old ones just worked — they were super easy to add too