Boosted project auto restarts every couple of hours despite autorefresh turned off

Hey there,

I’ve recently noticed that my boosted projects restarts despite autorefresh turned off. is there any way to minimise the amount of restarts occurring without my knowledge? it also clears console logs which very annoying.

my reading of this is that there is no way to prevent this. it looks like they have some code in a starter project on how to preserve those logs though. I haven’t tried that.

I just read that message, it says: To keep our system healthy, all apps created on Glitch are automatically restarted every 12 hours. If these restarts cause you to lose data that your app has been collecting, you can try adding a persistent log.

Does anyone know what time every 12 hours means? Midnight and noon? And I assume it means server restarts not individual projects right?

I’m sorry that we don’t have more information than this regarding restarts.

The project restart cycle is based on the number of projects/containers currently on our system. Since this number fluctuates, so does the times of day that a given project will be restarted. This is why we cannot provide the exact times that a project owner can expect these restarts to occur.

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Thanks but that is already more info than is posted about it. The projects restart or the server restarts?

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