Idk if this is glitch help or discord bot help but ok.
Since glitch only has 3000 as a port i can’t use it to ping the bot with uptimerobot since i have the port used somewhere else. So could i add this code down bellow so that the project doesn’t die/sleep. Idk how it works. Maybe someone who knows discord.js can help
Hello @ramoth123! I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your project. I’m going to re-categorize your question into the “Discord Help” category so others can find it more easily.
// listen for requests
const listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT, function() {
console.log('Your app is listening on port ’ + listener.address().port);
Well, i am had that already but then i needed my port somewhere else in my project so i used port 3000 in 2 places which gave me an error, so i had to remove the ping request thing. But we found a way to have both. Idk how my dev did it but he did. So its fixed for now