Can i get backup?

Few mins ago i installed node v13.9.0 to my glitch project slaybot-v3 and its now showing errors and i dont understand them. So can i get a backup like back to node v8.x

Errors i see currently

You can click the Rewind button at the bottom left of your project to rewind changes you made to the code.

Thanks! Im so tired and blind so i didnt saw it earlier :smiley:

Or just change the version back.

I changed it but it didnt help

Much easier in my opinion.

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refresh or

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I just looked into your specific error and found a solution that might work:

Reinstall all of the node modules. To do this, make a tiny edit to your package.json file and change it back. Like change 1 letter.

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Just do enable-pnpm. It does the same thing.

Thank you! I think your method worked and my bot is running again!

I did a easier method enable-pnpm

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