Can someone help me with this error?

Hey @Daksh777, I think @Callum-OKane was on the right track, but the package.json they provided just had some funky characters that aren’t valid in json files. That’s why your project was telling you about a parse error - Glitch couldn’t parse the package.json due to the “smart quotes” in that file. I’ve modified the contents in the post above and you might try using that content instead.

The issue I think you were initially running into is this: Glitch Node projects rely on a properly-executable start script in the scripts property of your package.json file. That’s not universal in GitHub repos, as you’ve otherwise noted, so many Node repos require that to be added to run properly in Glitch. If it’s not there then Glitch tells you that there’s nothing for it to do when it tries to start the project. In your intiial package.json you could also change the prod script to start and you should get past that particular error.

Hope this helps. Happy Glitching!

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