Can you add this to FAQ?

Hey there,
I just crecently created a app on Glitch that will create a embed of your project and give you some code to put it places such as on your personal website. Can the staff put it in the FAQ along with the remix, import, and button generators?


We’ve got an embed code generator in the Share menu in the editor now — are you saying the feature should be exposed in its own tool? (The built-in embed generator also gives you options for how to display your embed, etc.)


Wow, how did I not see that… Anyways, thanks for the information.

I didn’t notice that myself @anon1813117! I personally really like you generator :smiley:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

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@Crazy, I just looked at your profile and we are the same age… it is cool to see other young people learning how to code. :blush:

Hey, cool! I agree; more younger people should learn how to code :smile:

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