Can't access to my project editor


I’m having trouble with my discord bot, more precisely, a problem while trying to edit it in the glitch editor. He works just fine on discord’s side, but when I try to edit it in, the website just show me “Fetching…” over and over.

EDIT : My app is named agabot (sorry, totally forgotten. I wrote it on a hurry.)

Thanks for your help.

Hi @Joprocorp I’m seeing some delay when loading a Remix of your project, but it does load after a few seconds; are you still seeing the issue?

In my Remix I ran enable-pnpm in the console in the console, which you might consider to lower your disk space consumption, although I don’t think that’s related with any problems you’re having with the Editor.

What I did note is that your project has a fairly large number of files. In my Remix, by moving (for example) the players folder to .players I caused that directory and its files not to display in the Editr and that seemed to speed things up. Would that work for you?

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Hi @cori,

I’m gonna give it a try, see if it’s work on my end.
Thanks you for your help.

EDIT : I see what you said. I’m gonna try and make some adjustements and do a lot of optimization. Thanks for your very helpful advice regarding how to hide folders, I didn’t think it was possible.

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You can also put paths to folders you want to hide from the Editor in a gitignore file, but that will also keep them from being tracked in your project’s git repo and Rewind. If you don’t care about the history that might be a better option.

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Yes, Thanks you. I will consider it, since my project wasn’t initially meant to be exported in github or be rewinded but for training purpose, I didn’t think it was relevant to do so.

I shall start optimize it and prepare it for such things in the near future then.

Thanks you again for your help.
Long live Glitch ! :smile:

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what if you want to reshow a folder that is in a .name forler or in gitignore

what if you want to show a folder that is in a .name forler or in gitignore in the editor (itd help it this also was applyable to other folders like the shrinkwrap.yaml thats in the git whhen i export or the node modules folder)