Can't import GitHub Repo to Glitch

Getting the error message

“We’re sorry, something went wrong! Please try again, or try refreshing the editor.”

I do not have the node modules folder in this the repo.

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Can you try doing this in the terminal?

git clone

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I do that but nothing happens?

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Run refresh when you are done.

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I’m having the same problem, getting the same generic error message “Sorry, something went wrong.” I used the terminal ONCE to enter the git clone command, and it worked after I added the refresh command. But now, after doing a new commit and pushing it to Github, I am unable to do the clone command again in the Glitch terminal. It keeps saying: “fatal: destination path ‘remodel’ already exists and is not an empty directory.” (Yes, I know it exists, I’m trying to overwrite it with the latest copy of the repo from Github!)

Hello and welcome to the community, @Bluemont-dev! :wave: Please refrain from bumping old forum topics because this creates noise on the forum and you will get better support on our own topic. To pull the latest commits in the repo from GitHub, you simply need to execute

git pull

. (Make sure to change the directory to the repo directory before executing this command.) Hope this helps!


got it – thanks!

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