Circle Helper (submission to August 2024's jam)

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I was thinking…

- “Dude, what should I do for the “just draw” jam?”
- “Hmph…”

Then I remember a sad thing about human incapabilities…

- “Wait! Humans can’t draw circles!!”
- “I must create a fix for that!!!”

And so, I made… Circle Helper!!

Circle Helper transforms any of your disgusting unperfect circles and ugly drawings and transforms them into :sparkles: perfect and round circles :sparkles:

Yes, they do transform having 360 sides, but they can have more if you draw enough.

Yes, you can turn off the music (i downloaded it in low quality for a purpose) and no, you cannot disable the “circlize” option. What else would it be? Circle Leave-it-alone-er?

Can be a bit buggy at times… But as long as it works, no errors in the way for a regular person (other than the “can’t play” errors which I can’t mute) are thrown, it’s fine!



  • touch screen goofy (idk how to fix it lmao)

i don’t think it works on mobile :frowning:

:nerd_face::point_up: 360 degrees"

lol jk

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Oh come on, I used pointer events and all! What could possibly go wrong that it won’t budge?

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this is great-- the music was RIDICULOUSLY LOUD on my work laptop, but it really added to the whole experience :joy:


Is that being said in a good way or a bad way? :sweat_smile::rofl:

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a good way! Still might be a good idea to set the volume to 50% or something though :sweat_smile: some people are more sensitive to loud noises than others


If that’s even possible in audio elements :slight_smile:

EDIT: found a solution, working on it… :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT 2: lowered volume to 25%. i hope people won’t get their ears blasted off from this now :sweat_smile::rofl:


The audio doesn’t work for me on mobile (at least I think), is it a problem with autoplay being disabled by default?

You have to interact with the page for the audio to appear, due to the “autoplay disabled unless interaction” thing you’re talking 'bout

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btw can i steal the audio for

Whatever you want with the music, dude. It was downloaded from Youtube anyway.

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I like the music, it made me giggle and inspired my circle drawing.

here’s a self-portrait:

This would be fun to remix for squares or triangles.



Spam clicking does weird things…


that is NOT alan walker :sob:

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That would actually be possible, you just gotta change the hard-coded 360 in there :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m working on fixing it.

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It’s here for a purpose :sob:

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Maybe add a dropdown with shapes

Maybe. Though I think I’ll have to minimize the points to three to four bcz it’s not supposed to be round

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btw still can’t circlize in mobile :frowning: