So yeah, I’ve found Glitch about a month ago and found out you guys offer remixing of Ghost project,
which is very nice. I liked it, so I’ve remixed one instance.
I’ve seen, however, that’s pretty old version, and Ghost is continuously updating.
Isn’t there a way to keep up with the updates.
Having 1.21 when their development is already on 1.25 seems a bit oudated on your end.
So could you update our installations - or give some way to do it, and provide latest updates for future remixes.
Ghost has been updated to the latest version. You can update your existing project by updating the packages installed in the package.json file. If you already have data you’ll need to follow Ghost’s migration docs. Otherwise, run the following commands from the console for a fresh install:
cd node_modules/ghost
knex-migrator init
mv content/data/ghost-dev.db ~/.data/ghost-local.db
Not everybody wants their blog to auto-update though. Some have themes and plugins which rely on having a particular version of the software installed, which is why we leave it up to end-users to run their blog however they want. You could set up a similar system with a script that upgrades the ghost module to the latest version and runs a database update.
Do you still have access to the app using your anonymous account? If so, you can register then you can share a join link with yourself if your app isn’t part of your account already.
Hi, has ghost been updated? It looks like 2.X.X has been released but he Glitch version it 1.8.X I have tried to update the instance in the console but feel getting the following error.
I have been trying to use the Ghost update Guide but keep getting the following two errors.
I don’t know of any Ghost projects that are using the newer version, but it’s something I want to get to. I’ll try to fit it in soon.
I haven’t used that guide, but the operation that it seems to be attempting won’t work in Glitch since the project user doesn’t have direct access to the directory it’s trying to update. In fact, that operation doesn’t even make sense in Glitch since we store node versions differently than what they’re assuming.
I had a terrible time trying to figure out how to update ghost without triggering infinite loops that I couldn’t quit without destroying the instance or modifying the npm start script to be an empty string.
The main difference is in the file, making sure that directories exist and the theme is installed.
set -e
if [ ! -d themes ]; then
mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone casper
if [ ! -d .data ]; then
mkdir .data
if [ ! -d logs ]; then
mkdir logs
if [ ! -f .data/ghost-local.db ]; then
cd node_modules/ghost
knex-migrator init
mv content/data/ghost-dev.db ~/.data/ghost-local.db
jq ".url=\"https://$\"" config.development.json.base > config.development.json