Dark Theme for Support page


I would love to see a dark theme for the support site of glitch, I would use something like stylebot but that never works correctly.

Hey @Callum-OKane, I love the idea but unfortunately, I don’t know if it is possible since the support page uses a template from another place. (I might be wrong)

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It’s fully possible, many other forums that use Discourse can achieve a dark theme by changing some settings (i dont know a lot about discourse).

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I mean its not offical but you can use https://darkreader.org/ (works on every website)


Oh, thanks for letting me know.


@Callum-OKane This forum is running Discourse, which unfortunately doesn’t come with a built-in dark theme. Although as suggested by @WilsontheWolf you can use Dark Reader. Another alternate is using Stylus which is a fork of Stylish. I recommend either Dark Reader or Stylus, and I would not recommend using Stylish hence they’re collecting analytics information on how you browse etc.

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I thought it does have Dark Theme or a Dark Theme addon

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for those who want dark theme here…

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Discourse offers dark theme.

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Yes, I have my own discourse running and I have noticed that dark theme is provided but glitch have most likely disabled it!

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By the time I posted that message a dark mode for Discourse had not been implemented, although it seems that they recently created a dark theme feature. The reason that a dark mode for Glitch’s Discourse page is probably that it is outdated or the feature is disabled.

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exactly @ihack2712

and yes, me and @khalby786 have created a dark mode that is usable via userscript extensions

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@ihack2712, @Callum-OKane,

Just discovered that Discourse does offer dark mode. But for it, they’ll have to update it to Discourse 2.1or more.

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well, doing so would delete the entire forum!

so, we have to stick with this for now

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I believe you can migrate all forum data.

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yes, but it can be costly, if not done right, the entire forum will be wiped for sure


Might be something to suggest to the Support Staff!

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The support forum is hosted by Discourse. (glitch pays discourse to host this forum) This means Glitch should easily be able to migrate to a new version. unless discourse says no

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Yeah, I’m sure they can work together to make it happen pretty easily.

not exactly… if you know how discourse works,
***any data lost, is lost, and discourse really won’t care, especcially if it is during a forum updating to a new version ***`

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