Data loss? Missing several days of work

Hi Glitch folks.

I have a project which has lost several days of work.

I don’t have any collaborators on that project and I did not rewind it. The most conspicuous loss is content in the index.html file where I had several examples which I demoed to the federated wiki community last Wednesday (2018-01-16).

Do your records have any indication of what happened?

There was also a file named wiki-roster.js … the source of the web components being demoed.

Hey @dobbs, it looks like your git repo thinks the last changes were on the 13th. We do have a number of backups since then that we could try restoring to see if one of them has the content you’re looking for, if you want to try that. Here’s a list of likely candidates, with their UTC backup times:

0 : 2019-01-20T02:47:12.000Z
1 : 2019-01-20T02:25:15.000Z
2 : 2019-01-20T02:14:11.000Z
3 : 2019-01-20T01:00:10.000Z
4 : 2019-01-20T00:40:16.000Z
5 : 2019-01-18T05:17:16.000Z
6 : 2019-01-17T07:13:26.000Z
7 : 2019-01-16T16:58:46.000Z
8 : 2019-01-16T16:47:47.000Z
9 : 2019-01-16T16:36:47.000Z
10 : 2019-01-16T16:25:50.000Z
11 : 2019-01-16T16:14:55.000Z
12 : 2019-01-16T16:03:55.000Z
13 : 2019-01-16T15:53:25.000Z
14 : 2019-01-16T15:43:02.000Z
15 : 2019-01-16T14:37:50.000Z
16 : 2019-01-16T07:03:40.000Z
17 : 2019-01-16T06:52:40.000Z
18 : 2019-01-16T06:41:40.000Z
19 : 2019-01-16T05:04:56.000Z

If you’d like to try let me know which one you’d like me to restore.

Please restore this one. :crossed_fingers:


Ok, that backup has been restored. Please review it and let me know if that’s suitable or if you’d like to check out another one.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thanks, Cori. This has what I wanted most. Thanks bunches for having backups and ways to restore them!

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