Detect the other arguments

Hello, I’m making a discord bot. And I have added a command. In this command, bot detects first argument and other argument. Here my code:

const Printer = require ('fs')
const Accounts = JSON.parse (Printer.readFileSync ('./Bot/Database/Accounts.json', 'utf8'))
const matchAccount = JSON.parse (Printer.readFileSync ('./Bot/Database/Match Account.json', 'utf8'))
exports.Run (Bot, Message, Argument, Permission, Time, Error) => {

  const User = Argument [0]
  const findUser = mathAccount [User]
  const Text = Argument.slice ().join (' ') - User
  const Author =
  const Account = Account []

  const messageNotification = new RichEmbed ()
  .setColor ('#1f1fff')
  .setTitle (`There is a message from ${User}!`)
  .setDescription (Text)

  if (Account) {
    if (!Text || !User) {
      if (!Text) Error.setDescription ('Type a text.')
      if (!User) Error.setDescription ('Type tag of an user. ') (Error)
    } else {
      if (Text.length > 1) { (
           new RichEmbed ()
           .setColor ('#000000')
           .setDescription ('The message has sent!')
         Bot.users.get (findUser).send (messageSent)
       } else {
         Error.setDescription ('The WHAT?') (Error)
  } else {
    Error.setDescription ('You must create an account for this.') (Error)

exports.Config = {
  enabled: true,
  guildOnly: true,
  Aliases: ['message'],
  permLevel: 0

exports.Info = {
   Name: 'Send Message'

I type 2 arguments, but it errors Type a text.
How can I fix this?

I may do a mistake at English, if true, sorry.