Disabling auto-save and Back-up

Hi there!

First of all, I am new to Glitch, and I am loving it as much as I love Netlify, that means, a LOT.
I appreciate the auto-save feature, however, I would like to turn it off completely. In my case, I was copying and pasting the project files content, and because of a mistake I lost some content (I could recover it), but, this wouldn’t have happened if auto-save had been disabled.

Also, is it possible to backup the project? I mean, to download the project files, or synch with github.

Thanks in advance!

turn off auto-save completely: you’d have to edit in a separate offline editor. the issue with “turning off” auto-save is that glitch always assumes you’re collaborating with other users, so there’s a system that syncs your editor with all other editors. and at the center of that is a copy on the server representing what all collaborators ‘ought to see,’ where that copy happens to be the actual file in your project’s disk. that is to say, there’s no way to look at and edit a file on Glitch other than by having that file be saved in real time :person_shrugging:

backup the project: there’s some version control built in, with the “rewind” tool. you can also interact with the rewind history in the project terminal using git. there is a way to download the project files; it’s in tools → import/export

I vaguely recall there being a way to sync with github. I usually use git in the project terminal though. you’ll need to set up a personal access token or an ssh key to do it.


Hey, thanks so much for the detailed explanation. I understand the synch technollgy that makes possible collaboration. That explains the auto-save.

here is a way to download the project files; it’s in tools → import/export