Discord Ban mega-thread! (Discord bot / Something took too long to do)

@owocean, This is not caused by a token being used too much. This is when discord Blocks a host from glitch because of so many requests. So then the projects that were on that host receive a connection error and have to be moved by a glitch staff member to a new host for it to work again.

I wonder why discord block a host in glitch bot project. Do you know what is reason?

It’s because some people make bots that are against Discord’s ToS and get ip banned.


Actually, I am pretty sure the reason is just because of multiple requests over and over which causes discord to automatically ban the ip that is making the requests. It has absolutely nothing to do with the bots that are on the projects.

Discord’s not particularly forthcoming about the specific reasons for a given ban, but among the reasons is that a bot’s token is suspended for some reason but the bot continues to make requests with the suspended token and eventually Discord auto-bans the originating IP address.

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It’s probably due to people making rainbow rules, mass spam, which are not allowed by discord TOS and result in alot of requests

I’m having the same problem.
Project name is vrbot
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Well, my second project vincy-bot has same problem with this.

Thank you for helping.

project: deploy-bot
having the problem now

I am also having this problem. Only happened recently.
My project name is nitro2019

I’m having the same issue, my project name is “kurokawa-maki”

thank you very much!

Problem has stopped. Bot is back online.

Well clear this one. My project is giveaway-boat

Hey folks, we moved projects from three banned hosts. If your project is still having problems please let us know.

Just now it was started thanks :slight_smile: But how many times will it be going on banned hosts? When will it get a permanent fix?

Since we don’t control what Discord bots created on Glitch are able to to (and in what ways they might break Discord’s rules and trigger a ban) we don’t have any control over when Discord bans a Glitch IP. That’s something Discord would have to address by changing how they handle banning, so if you’d like a permanent fix you would have to bring it up with them. Based on the fact that we don’t monitor response traffic from Discord to projects hosted on Glitch we don’t even have a way to know which bots are problematic in real time.

We’re thinking about ways we might be able to be more proactive about this, but for the moment this is as permanent a fix as we’re able to offer. Sorry for the inconvenience!

6 posts were split to a new topic: Problems connecting to Discord

It now happened with “dsm-bartender” ban

Hey @reficul109, sorry for the late notice - I migrated the projects from that host yesterday afternoon so things should be looking better.

Host banned. Project: strawbot