Discord Bot Changing Uptime

Hello. I dont want to host my discord bot on uptime robot because its going down. My bot hasnt never been atleast 1 day online. What other uptime providers i can use?

FreshPing said they have 100% uptime, but is my glitch project up 24/7?

Hello @GhostSlayer you can explain to me your worries, what happens with your discord bot it disconnects?

It goes offline for few minutes and then comes back offline. But i didnt have any bad problems with Uptime Robot.

Did you look if there is an error in the logs? If he goes off-line temporarily there must be a problem

No. I will check it when it goes down again

I have the same problem

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Hello, @GhostSlayer!
There are some concerns I have; I do not think you can host anything on uptime robot. Uptime Robot is a downtime detection service.

Now, coming to your issue. Please read Glitch’s Technical Restrictions. If you are too lazy to read those, read this:

Projects sleep after 5 minutes if they are not used, and those running for more than 12 hours are stopped. They wake again when they receive another HTTP request to the project’s project-name.glitch.me address.

This means your robot will never have uptime for more than 12 hours, no matter what downtime detector you use.