Discord BOT Error Please Help

Hi i’m making a discord bot and i’m getting an error.

i’m trying to install sqlite 3 it says install sqlite, when i’m installing sqlite it says install sqlite 3. my project name ephys-bot . what can i do? I’m in really trouble with that. please help

Do you mind taking a screenshot of your package.json? Also, it may be because you haven’t installed the sqlite3 NPM module/package.

Try uninstalling the sqlite module/package and use sqlite3 instead. It could likley be conflicting with the sqlite module. As on sqlite's NPM package/page it does talk about some legacy stuff. I’d go with the sqlite3 package as it should work better and it’s used far more than the sqlite package.

I deleted
sqlite.open(path.join(__dirname, “database.sqlite3”)).then((db) => {
client.setProvider(new SQLiteProvider(db))});
command and deleted const sqlite = blablabla
and worked

Okay! I’m pretty sure most Discord.js Commando libraries use the sqlite3 module.

It doesn’t work bot doesn’t replies

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yazın sonra enable-pnpm yazıp yeniden başlatmasını bekleyin modüller yüklendikten sonra botunuz aktif olacaktır