Discord bot won't come on-line

Well i did remove the DBL things, but it cannot turn back online my bot.
Can you help me? My project is new-rozbot.

Can you send the error you’re getting?

Hey @rozivector I’m seeing errors’ like this in your logs:

(node:116) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Server responded with 404
    at ClientRequest.type.get.res (/rbd/pnpm-volume/404b1956-73b1-4d0a-a7d1-bbb045e089b8/node_modules/.registry.npmjs.org/canvas/2.3.0/node_modules/canvas/lib/image.js:51:28)

which makes me think you’re trying to load a canvas object with an image your code can’t find. I’d suggest trying to figure out where that error is coming from.

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