Discord.js Bot Example

Project URL: https://glitch.com/~discordjs-bot

I found that the Discord bot example posted on Glitch, was outdated and used a complicated library, therefore I posted a Discord.js Bot Example. This bot uses a Command Handler which neatens commands and events by placing them into folders.

Currently there is one command, ping but you can remix the project and add more… talking about remixing, make sure to read readme.md


I see that you are using http to ping your own project, I’m pretty sure that’s not the right way to keep your bot alive. It does do the job, however if Glitch decides to take their servers down for maintenance then your bot will go down either way and won’t go up before someone manually enter the project link, I recommend using a service like uptimerobot instead.

Thanks for reminding me of Uptimerobot, I didn’t however provide it with this bot example as it wouldn’t necessarily be of use for the time being. Though I will update the Project leaving a link to uptimerobot for longer bot run time.