Educator Request!

As an educator using Glitch to help new coders learn the basics of HTML, CSS and a little JS. Would you be able to have a default selection in your main menu for students that is simple without all the extra code so they can learn to code from Scratch. (not the MIT Scratch hee hee) Before the upgrades was perfect :slight_smile:
We all love GLITCH – Thanks for all you do!

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Hi Dan!

If you follow the “Learn more” link on the new project button’s menu, there are some minimal versions of each of the main Hello apps that should hopefully do the trick. Here’s a direct link to that page:

We’re also talking about ways to make these more discoverable via the main menu and that new project button. Thanks for the feedback! Definitely something we’re focused on.



Also, you can just take one of the above minimal projects and delete all of the stuff. Then you can just have students remix the blank project however this might be a bit too inconvinient


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