Error Access when trying to change the modules of packages.json

I have started having this error with every node module i have.
ERROR EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/rbd/pnpm-volume/21d190e2-512f-4269-8b7d-6efb883439e8/node_modules/superagent/package.json’

Hey @Tomigames can you provide your project name so we can take a closer look?

yes its chillhouse, do i need to make it public?

Thanks for the info; no need to make public.

I ran enable-pnpm in the console in your project’s console, triggering a package reinstall, and the install process seemed to go fine. There’s now a code-related error showing in the logs, so the installation seems to have been successful.

Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot for your help <3

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Hey cori my other bot chillgold is now suffering the same issue

Have you tried Running enable-pnpm which is what @cori did to fix the last error.