Error: Site Did Not Respond; But no errors...?!

Hi! I started off building a new game and was off to a good start. Until glitch said that the Site did not respond. I dont see any errors and cant find any errors in my code. Everything is clean and perfect. Here is my glitch edit link:

Please help me resolve this issue.


The project itself seems to be fine, but the code you made it run isn’t, so you’ll want to view the log (button at the bottom of the editor) to see if there are any runtime errors.

Also note that glitch domains already run on https, your code should not need key/cert .pem files (and it’s very likely that’s what’s causing the problem, because adding your own certs means there is now conflicting cert data).

const server = https.createServer(options, app);
server.listen(3000, () => {

glitch does the TLS termination for you, so your app should provide a plain HTTP server, not HTTPS

Thankyou so much! This really helped :heart:

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