Feature Request: Follow/Notify Users


Sorry if this has been mentioned here before, but it didn’t come up in my search: I would love the ability to follow users and be updated on new projects they make. I know people remix a lot of projects just to play around, so maybe it would be better if there was a “Notify Followers” button or something that makers can click instead of getting automatic updates triggered by any project creation. I thought of this because I keep missing tweets from one person about their new projects on Glitch. And they’re always rad!

It’s totally understandable of this isn’t a desired feature. I don’t know how social-media-like you folks want Glitch to be.

This is something we’ve been thinking about, and we’re planning to make this possible. It’s just a question of when we fit it into the schedule.


Awesome! Thank you! :pray:

I just spent some time trying to figure out if I was missing an obvious button somewhere to follow someone…

At the very least, being able to follow/friend other users would make it possible for me to find them again.
