GitHub import/export not working

Hey, I actually tried to Import and Export From Github for the last 2 minute. But It says
" Arg, something went wrong. Try again? :@ "
and I tried for 5 times. It still doesnt work.
Please HELP ME Im trying to Host my Bot

Just try again… there might be some problems with the glitch servers currently, try again tommorow or something and also please dont make the title just “PLEASE HELP!!!” it dosent describe what you need help with and its confusing

Hey, I actually tried to Import and Export for the last 2 minute. But It says
" Arg, something went wrong. Try again? :@ "
and I tried for 5 times. It still doesnt work.
Please HELP ME Im trying to Host my Bot

Hi @DanielK25, welcome to the Glitch forum!

I’ve merged your topics about this issue; multiple topics about the same problem just makes things harder to find.

In this case it’s possible there’s an intermittent problem as @Eperou noted. There are also a few situations that can cause problems for GitHub import. If you can share your project name and if possible the repo you’'re trying to import we can look to see if you’re running into a specific issue.

Hi, I’ve the same problem.
Cant improt this repo:
No error displayed, but imported files dont displayed too