The homepage seems to be returning A 404
Sorry about that - our planned DB maintenance has lead to some issues, which we’re currently looking into. You can keep up to date at
No worries, looks like it’s already back up
My Bot is doing double the message responses. How long is it supposed to take for maintenance
Things should be back working now. Let us know your project name if you’re still having problems and we can take a closer look.
@Gareth Still problems. On my websocket connections my project puts out double the messages, else works normally…
Let us know your project name and we can take a closer look.
I have send you a private message @Gareth
I’ve tried stopping and restarting the project - the logs look ok, but let me know if you’re still seeing the duplication issue in the bot itself. I can’t reproduce your issue downloading a backup of the project - it downloads ok for me. If you’re still unable to, then please let me know your browser version and OS. Thanks.
Its fixed now and yeah restarting and all didnt fix it before, now downloading and so is back to normal for 5 minutes or so