Glitch express.js app not receiving post request due to timeout of frontend"

I have build a an exprss.js server and placed in on glitch, but when I try to post a request to it does not receive the post request, get requests do arrive.

Hi @TijsDeBelie, welcome to the Glitch forums! It looks like your project might be private ā€“ can you share a little more about the express configuration? Do you have an call in it? (That was my problem when I had the same error!)

I tested it on localhost and it works perfectly fine there. Post are able to come from my frontend to my backend perfectly fine.

My code formatted :

my frontend code :

function PostRequest(data, path) {
console.log(postrequest ${path})
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try { + ā€˜:4000/ā€™ + path, {
json: JSON.parse(data)
}, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) return reject(error)
console.log(statusCode: ${res.statusCode})
} catch (error) {

my backend code :"/settings/new", function (req, res) {
Authenticate(req.body.key).then(e => {
if (!req.body.guild_id || !req.body.obj) {
console.log("Received incomplete POST: " + JSON.stringify(req.body));
return res.send({ ā€œstatusā€: ā€œerrorā€, ā€œmessageā€: ā€œmissing parameter(s)ā€ });
} else {
console.log("Received POST: " + JSON.stringify(req.body));
.then(settings => {
settings[req.body.guild_id] = req.body.obj
.then(s => { res.send(s[req.body.guild_id]) })
.catch(e => {
return res.send({ ā€œstatusā€: ā€œerrorā€, ā€œmessageā€: Could not write to json file ${e} });
.catch(e => {
return res.send({ ā€œstatusā€: ā€œerrorā€, ā€œmessageā€: ${e} });
}).catch(e => {
return res.status(403).send(ā€˜Not Authorizedā€™)

I think the issue might be the port ā€“ try taking the :4000 out of the domain url? My understanding is that Glitch containers only leave certain ports open.

any clue what ports are open? since Express needs a value for a port to listen on

I removed the port and now the post is coming trough but does Glitch not allow code to write to files??

it does not adjust my json file with the data I posted

3000 is the default! Mine doesnā€™t even set it explicitly ā€“ it just grabs the process env port like this:

var listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT, function () {
  console.log('Your app is listening on port ' + listener.address().port);

Hmmmmm what does the error say when it fails to write to the file (or is there no error?)

No error the file just doesnā€™t update. Tried the refresh command too.

Its not catching the error from LoadSettings().

Probably LoadSettings() and WriteSettings() have the same problem, not giving the right path for Glitchā€™s filesystem.

Try prepending __dirname to the filename to give it the moduleā€™s path.

ā€œChoose from these three paths, and may the fourth be with youā€ :slight_smile:

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