Glitch is undoing my changes

I am building a system using scikit-learn. Currently my project is in the state where whatever I type gives me a “reconnecting…” screen and then deletes whatever I type. This has happended for the 3rd time after remixing my original project and starting from scratch.
Project name: energetic-mixed-jackfruit
Look at it:!/energetic-mixed-jackfruit
Also if anyone knows how to deal with the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn' error even though according to my glitch.json file I’ve added it error please feel free to answer this post.

I’m sorry! Here’s what I understand from what you’re saying - The Glitch Editor runs locally in your browser, and sends your edits up to Glitch in the cloud, and the websocket connection is repeatedly breaking - revealing the fact that your edits never actually made it to the cloud.

Is there something that you can do to check whether your connection to Glitch allows websockets? For example, if you use a different path to connect to Glitch - going from a laptop to a tethered phone to the internet, instead of a laptop to a wired network or something?

Regarding sklearn, I think the relevant error is “ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 28] No space left on device” - Python on Glitch is not as well-supported as Node on Glitch. The packages that you download need to fit inside your disk space (200MB if you’re in the free tier, 400MB if you’re a member of Glitch) - unlike Node, where if you use pnpm, the packages are shared among many Glitch apps and the space to store them doesn’t get billed to your project specifically.

Hope this helps,


I think you were right about the websocket connection breaking, I openned the browser console and found 2 errors

reconnecting-websocket.js:237 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502
open @ index.version.2ba3579e4479e831330c.js:2
reconnecting-websocket.js:237 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502

It’s a 502 error so I don’t think it’s related to connection

Anything starting with 500 and up is a internal server error

I think 502 is bad gateway?

Yes, it is. So this is on Glitch’s server side and not you.