Glitch Projects are very slow

Ok it looks like we are back up!

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Its back? Yes!!!

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Doesnā€™t cloudflare have something called Always Online that loads cached webpages when the server is down? I think that might be for paying users only

Wait hold on Iā€™m not sure we are done yetā€¦ I just got the infamous ā€œdark themeā€.


glitch found it:

Yep. I just got an email too.

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community site just crashed too

ā€œā€¦because the server stopped respondingā€. Are we having so much users on the support because of this that we are causing an unintentional ddos attack. Discourse does have to ping the server like every 5 seconds to download new post updates.

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Oh greatā€¦ Had downtime yeserday too

Iā€™m pretty sure uses discourse hosting. Check the links to images and you will notice they are hosted on

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Website isā€™t working

The community site uses Cloudflare (AWS). does use discourse.

The software and the hosting plan provided by discourse, yes. I donā€™t think they self hostā€¦

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They need to do something similar to how Discord Bots do sharding. So if a project container goes out, not all projects go offline - especially the paying usersā€™ projects.

That would be a good idea, however that would probably make the amazon bill go through the roof. They would need to use at least twice as many VMs.

They could always select like a group of 10 to 50 containers to test deploys on before deploying on all other containers so we can limit problems.


True, but I feel like that would be the only good solution. /shrug

Iā€™m also not really sure why the outages are happeningā€¦

It really shouldnā€™t be an upstream service because amazon has 99.99% uptime. Maybe its a code error internally? Or maybe they are matience.

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Why does that even happen?

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