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マイルズが言ったように、サーバーを作成するためのFlaskテンプレートがありますが、pythonのみを使用する場合は、グリッチパイソン をリミックスしてください。グリッチは python 3 をサポートしていないことに注意してください。パイソン2のみ。

Like Miles said, there is a Flask template for creating a server, but if you want to use python alone, remix the glitch python. Note that glitch doesn’t support python 3. Only python 2.

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ya it does :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Just a note: I think you forgot the closing “)” to finish the link :slight_smile:



Not that I’ve seen.

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python3 --version


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It gives me 2.7 (or something like that)


I remixed the ~python3 project and typed in the terminal python and it says 2.7.12

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that sounds like python --version. python is Python 2 in that version of ubuntu

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notice that you’re running python, which is not the same as running python3 =)

(Only windows gets to enjoy the sanity of “the python executable is called python, the end”, on unix/linux/mac the 2.x and 3.x versions are separate executables. That also includes pip, which has a pip3 counterpart)

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Ahh, okay. That makes sense.

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