About 10 days ago, I noticed that sometimes my webhook glitch doesn’t receive data, that is, when someone sends messages to a WhatsApp bot, I don’t see anything in the glitch log, sometimes it works fine, sometimes it doesn’t work or sometimes they arrive late.
yeah there’s this other thread going. it sounds similar. no solution there yet though
we’re trying to find info about what goes wrong with whatsapp’s requests to glitch. do you know if whatsapp provides any diagnostics about their requests that fail?
so far I’ve seen you and one other poster have this problem. neither report has anything conclusive about whether it’s glitch or meta having a problem. can you check what’s wrong on meta’s side?
But where can I check? I already put a ticket in at the finish line and they still haven’t answered me!
pero donde puedo revisar? ya meti ticket en meta y aun no me contestan!