Glitch WebSocket down

I was working with a websocket server that hosted in glitch, everything was fine, until last night when I tried to connect to the server from my client, and I got this error: "WebSocket connection to ‘wss://’ failed: ". ( There was no more details about the error in the console & network page on devtols )

The next day I kept trying and nothing, I tried with several of my devices and nothing, so I tried other projects with websocket in glitch and I got the same error, any help?

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+1 Having that same issue since yesterday.
Anything web socket related currently down.

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We’re looking into what’s going on: we’re in the process of network maintenance that was not expected to impact websockets, but it sure sounds like it did. We’ll be posting an update shortly.

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WS should work again, Network updates: websockets