Grafanan on glitch

Is there a way to use grafana to track server stats etc…? And then show it on a page of the project? (Or something else to monitor those things)

From what I’ve seen, to install on Linux you need sudo access and Glitch doesn’t have that.

Or any other thing to track server stats?

If you need sudo access to install it, it will not work with Glitch.

Check out and


What is the OS of glitch? Because I need this to sign up on datadog

Glitch uses Linux VMs.

But which?

Probably Ubuntu. AWS uses that.

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Install it to your machine to get the key for it, and then follow these things at

Which one?
I can choose between 20 versions…

it needs sudo.

bash: line 186: sudo: command not found
'apt-get update' failed, the script will not install the latest version of apt-transport-https.
bash: line 187: sudo: command not found

It looks like you hit an issue when trying to install the Agent.

Troubleshooting and basic usage information for the Agent are available at:

If you're still having problems, please send an email to
with the contents of ddagent-install.log and we'll do our very best to help you
solve your problem.