Help me make my discord bot

const http = require(“http”);
const express = require(“express”);
const app = express();
var server = require(“http”).createServer(app);
app.get("/", (request, response) => {
console.log( + " Ping Received");
const listener = server.listen(process.env.PORT, function() {
console.log("Your app is listening on port " + listener.address().port);
setInterval(() => {
}, 280000);

// Get the Discord librarys and create a client
const Discord = require(“discord.js”);
const client = new Discord.Client();

// Our coin flip command.
if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just mined on IORN! you get 50 XP”); // Send the message to the channel the command was posted in;
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just mined on IORN! you get 50 XP”); // Send the message to the channel the command was posted in;
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.
// Check if the output was 1.“You just mined on IORN! you get 50 XP”); // Send the message to the channel the command was posted in;
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just found Socks Thats worth nothing(the shop bot says)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just found Dirt blocks Thats worth nothing (the shop bot says)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just mined on STEEL! Thats worth 200 dollars(the shop bot says)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1.“You just mined on COAL! Thats worth money for santa(the shop bot says)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1. (“YOU JUST FOUND A IGLUE (You check whats inside)”) (“Thier is a peiguin he offers you 10 Iorn 27 Gold but you give him nothing :slight_smile: (You accept the offer)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1. (“You found Glue (This can be crafted if you have 100 steel and 200 bricks)”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1. (“you found 20 bricks”)
else if (coinflip === 3) {
// Check if the output was 1. (“You went to deep (you went down by 1000 meters max!) you:I will go back up it to dangerus!”)

// Message function
client.on(“message”, message => {
var commandMessage = message.toString(); // Converts the message into a string (as the message is an object techincally)
if (commandMessage.startsWith(“1”)) {
// Does the message start with the prefix?
commandMessage = commandMessage.slice(1); // Take out the prefix
console.log(commandMessage); // Output the current message into the logs

if (commandMessage.startsWith("mine")) {
  // Does the command given equal this one?
  coinFlipCommand(message); // Do the function above.


// Ready function
client.on(“ready”, () => {
console.log(“Bot was logged in”); // Output a message to the logs.
client.login(process.env.TOKEN); // Login your discord bot, if you don’t use glitch, you can replace process.env.TOKEN with a token from a data file or something. NEVER SHARE YOUR TOKEN WITH ANYONE OR THEY CAN ACCESS YOUR BOT.

Are you facing any issues…?

Hello @jsjssooof,
Could you please wrap the code in the above message in ``` above all code and below!

What exactly do you need help with, are you facing any issues with the code you have provided?