Here’s some good we’re happy to share the Last Year on Glitch 2024 winners 🏆

The results are in! :tada:

We are very happy to be able to finally share the projects that you, the Glitch community, chose to highlight and celebrate for Last Year on Glitch 2024.

See all of the winners and honorable mentions at, created by the very talented @allypalanzi, and follow us on social media for the next few days as we announce and cheer for our favorite friends — the project creators.

Oh, and also Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate! :red_gift_envelope:


so many great apps on that list, lots that I hadn’t seen!

faves are ~wonky-js and ~illsaveitmyself

thanks for choosing ~letterboxd-last-four as one of the winners :pray:

edit: just saw that ~poets-against-the-machine got a mention, I made that one as well


I really liked the mouse effect on the list. It’s great!


people on this list, I believe the results were additionally announced over email, although my copy was in spam. tagging some folks I remember being on the forum @tiago @MilesWK @ultragamer969 in case you missed that

btw cool to see one of these projects with two collaborators. other than that it’s all solo developers. high five to solo devs as well


I was not emailed… I checked spam.


We used the email addresses you signed up for your Glitch account with, @MilesWK. If you didn’t receive an email, please message me your updated address, and do me a favor and update the one on your account too so that it won’t happen in the future! :sweat_smile:

This goes for anyone listed as a winner on the site. You should have received an email from me, Jenn Turner, from my Fastly address. Please reach out if you did not! :pray:

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Ahh I was a runner up.

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i received the email too, but it was in spam.

btw did my reply get sent? i was having some problems with my domain’s email records and I’m not sure if it went through


I’m so glad you asked! Nearly every reply was marked spam :sob: I’ll be following up on these right now! shakes fist at 2025

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