I am a bit confused as to how we can create a .data folder and store files there.
I looked at the Sqlite3 example project and got things working, but I feel bad because I don’t fully understand how or why it works. It seems I cannot “add folder” in my backend section, but it still got created? Now I also cannot see which files are there…
Stefan’s correct for remixed projects - it will copy the files including any folders. Folders prefaced with ‘.’ are hidden from the editor. However, in a new project you can create a folder by creating a file in that location e.g. create a temp text file with the name ‘.data/temp.txt’ and that will create the folder which will remain even if you then remove the temp file.
Am I missing something? I don’t see this option in Advanced Options. All I see are “Import from GitHub,” “Export to GitHub,” “Download Project,” and “Delete This Project.” I tried adding my own .data/sqlite.db file, but it’s no longer visible on returning to my project after leaving.
Hey, there- Don’t bump old posts, ESPECIALLY 3 year old ones!
What you need to do is create a .gitignore file, and add a line saying !.data
Worked for me!