How do I use the debugger?

How do I use the debugger? My Socket.IO code isn’t working server side and I don’t know how to use the debugger to see what is failing. I searched google but couldn’t find anything to help.

The debugger is quite broken, as you can’t really use it

so you should try using Chii

javascript:(function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src=""; document.body.appendChild(script); })();

Put that code in a bookmark then use it on the site you want to inspect/debug

then go to

Thank you for the suggestion, but it still wont get me what I need. When I use your method I get the debugger screen for my index.html. However I need to look at my server.js file.

I have an idea.
Is your server.js on the root? If so, do [LINK]/server.js and THEN run the script.

Hm… what’s Chii?

A inspect front end

Here is what it says when I try your idea: Cannot GET /server.js

You can’t use the debugger on your service.js file;

there would be a lot of more sql injections like


Ok, how can I get one to allow me to debug my server.js file?

Here’s the thing - you don’t.

Then how do i fix my issue? Would you like me to send my code?

You might want to send us a link to your app.

Okay, here it is: My project. it is developed to add a way to go into different rooms by means of a “code” and therefore create “private servers”.

Ah, you can use Chii to get a log.

But I’m not getting a log.

Go into the console area and trigger an error


Thanks! I fixed my bug.

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I think you may or may not have a classic socketio issue actually
Instead of

app.listen(process.env.PORT, function(){
// something

you need to do

var http = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('')(http);
http.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
  console.log('listening on :'+process.env.PORT);

which uses a different server with socketio enabled

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Thanks for the help, but I already got help from code-alt. Also for my bug I actually was just being weird and put io.join instead of socket.join facepalm. Thanks anyway though!

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