How to disable package installing?

project keep re-installing packages and this makes project down for like 10 minutes

Take a look at!/glitchnomicon

It tells you how to use files like watch.json or glitch.json, which can help

  • install : determines which files will cause Glitch to terminate the server, run the install command, and run start again. install takes the same include and exclude Arrays as restart .
  • throttle : if you find that the Glitch watcher is over-eagerly restarting the server, you can change how long it waits after it sees a change to restart.
    • value is the number of milliseconds to wait after a change to restart

@invalid-user add a file called watch.json, then paste the following:

  "install": {
    "include": [
  "restart": {
    "exclude": [
    "include": [
  "throttle": 9000000

This will make the auto restart happen after 9000000 minutes. Basically never in other words

You might wanna know that its 9000000 milliseconds and not minutes, meaning 9000 seconds (2.5 hours)

But how I reload commands then?

just type space after }