Hi Glitch community. I’m looking for example code that illustrates how to pass client (HTML form) data to a Node/Express/sqlite back-end. (I want to insert a piece of text enterd by the user into a sqlite table.) Any suggestions/pointers would be gratefully appreciated. (Glitch newbie)
Here’s an example project which does that using sqlite via sequelize: https://glitch.com/~sqlite3-db
Thanks Gareth - I did see that example and while it does the job I was keen to use native SQL.
Here’s the project … https://glitch.com/edit/#!/join/99338a87-a051-46c2-96e4-50125ed7e72d
Hi - I’ve been using this example to make a comment-type project. I don’t fully understand why I can’t create a new field in the same table. I think I’m missing something very silly. https://glitch.com/edit/#!/commentsgen