How to find out is a site is hosted on Glitch [NOT FOOLPROOF]

Here is a decent way of finding out if a site is hosted on Glitch:

  1. Open Tor Browser.
  2. Visit the site you want to check.
  3. If it says “403 Forbidden”, then it could be hosted on Glitch. This is the code of what it says:
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>

(Yes, there is a blank space on line 7)

Other method:
Attempt to ping the project with UptimeRobot (note: only do this ONCE, or else you could get banned). It should return a 403 status code.


hmm… have you tried it with a custom domain?

It does not work with all custom domains.

Likely as those are proxied.