How to go to another file in .html? + another question

I need to Know this information because i need to make a Log in and a register page for my new project
Local=world. Here is where i need it: <button> Login <!-- I need to go to folder Login.html here.--> </button> <button> register <!-- I need to go to folder Register.html here.--> </button>
I also have a team page:

Thanks for reading! bye!

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Oops, about the other question:
How do i make the code in these pages?

Hi and welcome @THE.WHAT :slight_smile:

I checked out your project,, and here’s what I found.

Your site is setup as a ‘static site’, that makes it easy for linking to other pages.

First let’s talk about what you’re linking to. It looks like you accidentally created a folder called ‘Homepage.html’ and nested some of your pages in there. I would drag them out of that folder so that they sit at the same level as index.html.


Then, usually the way to link to another page is with an a tag like:

<a href="Login.html">Login</a>

But I see you want buttons. You can style an a tag to look like a button, which would be the “right way” to do this.

In that case, you’d make a style something like

.btn { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 4px; }

and then change your tag to <a href="Login.html" class="btn">


You can do the following but it’s kind of non-standard:

<a href="Login.html>

Then there are some more exotic ways as described on this SO answer: html - Can I nest a <button> element inside an <a> using HTML5? - Stack Overflow

You also asked “How do i make the code in these pages?”

The answer is to open the corresponding file in the left nav bar (the one I pictured earlier) and put a load of HTML in there.

Just remember that at the moment, the address of your other pages is like and you need to fix that first by removing the folder you added by mistake.

Have fun! Let us know how it goes!

@SteGriff has a good idea, however I have a different approach.

Make a folder for every new page, name it like you would the page, e.g. login/index.html register/index.html

This would allow you to just type /login or /register to reference the page.

As for how you would go to the page, my method is below

<a href="/login">Login</a>

Happy Coding!

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