How to have uppercase characters in html element name without error

I’m starting a Vue.js project, and I have a component names that contains uppercase letter, so, htmlhint linter is displaying me an error, and i have to write
<!--htmlhint tagname-lowercase:false -->
at the beginning of all files.

Is there a way to configure htmlhint only once for the whole project instead of writing this at the beginning of each file? More generally, a way to not have an error when an html tag contains uppercase letters ?

Hello @superboss224!

From what I could gather, you can do that by appending the following inside the config file (.htmlhintrc):

"rules": {
    "tagname-lowercase": false

Besides, I have changed the topic to an appropriate category.
Happy Glitching!

I think that this isn’t something we can currently change – I’m not sure what plugin Glitch is using to enable htmlhint but I searched one of my own project directories for the expected config file and wasn’t able to find one. I poked around in the forums for a little and turned this up:

I created a .htmlhintrc file at the root of my project, containing exactly this:

  "rules": {
      "tagname-lowercase": false

However, it doesn’t work, also tried with .htmlhintrc.json, doesn’t work either.
I tried with .htmlhintrc:

“tagname-lowercase”: false

It fails too.

Check out the @househaunt’s answer.