How to make a working Settings page

I’m looking for a way I can make my lua-coder site have a settings page, such as dark mode, music, background, etc.

Any help is appreciated!

(The site doesn’t look good right now, it even has a few features im testing out)

I found a pretty good script for dark mode which gives you a button to toggle but still listens to your preferences. Here’s the original pen for it -

It’s from a css tricks article.

I’ve modified the CSS to include light mode settings incase it’s preferred. Here’s my stylesheet - Glitch :・゚✧

It seems to not work @christina. The JS isn’t being executing… I think.

I will try to fix your code, but thanks for the help!

Oh - that toggle button doesn’t work in Codepen, or even Glitch when opened on the side within the editor view. But if you launch the app in its own window, it does work. I have the same thing set up on my portfolio site.

Amazing! Now it works. Well in the outside window I guess!

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