How to update erlang version?

currently glitch uses erlang otp 24 and i need to use erlang otp 26+ because the way i am building my project requires it

can i download erlang otp 26+ in my project folder and use that version ?

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does it require a recent glibc?

NPTL glibc is strongly preferred

its prefered but not required they use it for optimization

requirement on linux

oh ok yeah, Glitch’s containers support pthreads. I think that’s what NPTL refers to.

can i compile erlang and publish it as a node modules for others to use?on glitch

you have my permission to do so


yeah apperntly its not possible to install that version of Erlang on ubuntu 16 or 18

does it depend on something that’s in other versions of Ubuntu?

I’ll try building a copy of this from nixpkgs

this is nixpkgs’s beam_nodocs.interpreters.erlang_27

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thank you so much :heart::heart:

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I manged to get it working ! i am using Gleam language and it compiles to Erlang then i run the Erlang server using your template above and it works smoothly thx

i don’t need gleam to be installed because the folder is 30mb but when i compile it to Erlang it becomes 3mb which is nice for glitch maybe i will need to setup github action to build and upload the built project to glitch :heart:

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oh that’s great! show us when you’ve built it

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I have made a github action using few glitch guides
i will summerize it and change what i did different

Go to the Glitch terminal
Run git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore

create a githook in the terminal using your favorite text editor. I used nano so nano .git/hooks/post-receive
Put this bash script into your hook:

git --work-tree=/app  --git-dir=/app/.git checkout -f

Give your hook execution permission chmod +x .git/hooks/post-receive

i first build the project then i commit the output to a new branch then i sync that branch with glitch

Github actions file

oh yeah, I remember reading about this hook thing.

you might need to run glitch’s refresh command too, so that it restarts your app process

i didn’t need to do that just updating the code and running the github actions was enough for the running server to change

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