How will my new Glitch project be different than my Thimble project?

Once I migrate my project from Thimble to Glitch, what will be different about how it operates?

There are a number of ways that Glitch projects differ from Thimble projects. We’ve put together a few videos to cover the differences that you can find in our help docs, but here are a few high points:

  • Perhaps most importantly, Glitch projects are always live. The webpage for your Glitch project always shows the latest version of the code in your project and there’s no concept of publishing your project.
  • Accordingly there’s no preview window built into Glitch. You can arrange your tabs side-by-side to show your project’s code and its web page next to one another to approximate this Thimble feature. You can also use the embedded version of your project on the project’s Glitch page (at that has a side-by-side view built in.
  • Uploading files to your Glitch project is a little different than the same process on Thimble. You can still drag-and-drop files onto your Glitch window to upload them, as well as using the Upload button in the Add File menu in the editor, but Glitch decides where to put the file for you; in the file list for test-based (JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files, for instance) and in the assets drawer in the top of the file list for audio-visual files and some other files types (like PDFs).

Aside from these differences, we hope that Glitch will serve your needs in the same ways that Thimble has and are excited to have you along for the ride!