I cannot login from any kind of login process

I cannot login from any kind of login process. Here comes an error:
Database Error. Please report this id to Glitch Support: 29c1af91f23c304c

Hi @AktilaCengiz, welcome to the Glitch forum; I’m sorry for the inconvenience!

I can’t find that error in our logs, but perhaps we can figure out what’s going on regardless. If you try again and still receive an error it will probably have a different error id, and we can try finding that one. Alternatively if you can tell me the Glitch account you’re logging into or any other identifying information (email address, GitHub account) we can try looking for that in the logs.

Hello cori!
Thank you for support me.
I logged in with facebook
Facebook e-mail : fbgstr38@gmail.com

I receive the same error in other input types.
the e-mail that I tried to sign in is all the e-mail I mentioned above.
I hope you will help me .Thanks in advance

Ok, i don’t see that email address in our logs either. I gather that you’re logging into Glitch for the first time and don’t already have a Glitch account, is that correct?

If so, can you provide me with a link to a project you were working on while not logged in?

Hi cori thanks for your help. I noticed the problem was caused by the browser. When I switch to a different browser, my login has improved and I still thank you.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Why can’t I login with e-mail or any other way?